Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) vs OAuth

We may be confused by the concept of ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) and OAuth2. We don’t know when ABAC or OAuth2 can be applied.

I think this question can be translated into ‘what kind of problems OAuth and ABAC can solve’. Now I would like to share my opinions.

ABAC and OAuth are 2 different access control solutions, but they are not in the same dimension: ABAC is a methodology and OAuth2 is a RFC protocol. But in general, they can be used to answer the question:

Can A do_X on B ?

In OAuth, A is the ‘client’, it can be a native app or a backend service, but in general it should be a NPE (None Person Entity). B is the ‘resource’, which should belongs to the resource owner.

In ABAC, either A can be either a NPE or a person. And B could be everything without any context constraint.

According to above analysis, we can come to below conclusions:

  • ABAC is much more generic than OAuth;
  • When the access request subject is a person, then only ABAC can be applied to;
  • But OAuth is simpler than ABAC. For the access control of machine-to-machine/service-to-service, we can use OAuth2 to make it simple;

For OIDC, it is a profile of OAuth. The main design purpose of OIDC is to provide the standard authentication flow and also an endpoint to fetch the userinfo.